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Antioxidant Rich Smoothie

Image by Sara Cervera

This smoothie is a great way of packing in fertility friendly nutrients essential for supporting egg and sperm health. I also love adding Haskapa Berry Powder, which is high in antioxidants, important for supporting fertility, and in particular sperm health. You can add it to porridge, smoothies and yoghurt or anything else, to give you a wonderful antioxidant boost. You can order it directly from their website  and use my code JULIA15 to get 15% off.

Vegetarian, vegan & gluten free



1 cup of berries fresh or frozen (i.e. blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
Large handful of spinach leaves & any other veg you like (i.e. raw carrot, cucumber)
1x tbsp pumpkin seeds
1x tbsp ground flaxseed
Spoonful of nut butter of your choice
Sprinkle of ground cinnamon & ginger
Top up with water, coconut water or milk alternative
You can also had some avocado if desired (great for fertility!)


1. Whizz up the ingredients in a NutriBullet or blender and enjoy!

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